Saturday, March 14, 2015

[RPI] Connect Pi via SSH dan Remote Desktop VNC

14 Maret 2015
Remote Desktop via VNC


Koneksi SSH sudah aktif by default di RASPBIAN jadi tak perlu disetting lagi.


1. Connect via SSH RASPBIAN OS
- Raspberry Pi 2 & Power supply
- Cable LAN Straight
- Router
- Keyboard & Mouse
- HDMI to VGA converter
- Monitor

- SSH Client (cth: di Windows - Bitvise Tunniler)
- VNC Client (cth: di Windows - Tight VNC)

SSH Connection::

Connect via SSH
- Boot sampai Desktop Raspbian dan sambung cable LAN
- cari tahu IP Raspbian dengan mengetikan ifconfig di LX-Terminal
- Install Bitvise Tunniler di Windows
- Masukan IP Raspbian dengan port 22
- Initial Method = Password
- default Username/Password Raspbian:: 
username : pi
password : raspberry
- click connect, dan save session.
- open New Terminal Console untuk membuka console

VNC Connection::

Connect via SSH/Boot langsung
- LX-Terminal
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
- vncserver :1 *jalankan vncserver port 1
- untuk pertama kali akan diminta masukan password untuk authentication *raspberry
- VNC sudah run

Membuat shell script untuk menghidupkan VNC
- sudo nano *membuat file
- tulis shell script ini
vncserver :1 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -dpi 96
- simpan ctrl+o, exit ctrl+x
- ubah permission sudo chmod 755
- panggil dengan ./


- :1 dalam vncserver adalah port 1, di VNC client masukan port 5901
- resolusi/ -geometry dapat dirubah sesuai kebutuhan
- gunakan text editor nano / vi untuk membuat shell script
- ubah permission chmod untuk dapat dieksekusi



1 comment:

  1. Water-powered rolling mills replaced the manual course of in the late seventeenth century. The strategy of flattening metal sheets required large rotating iron cylinders which pressed metal items into sheets. The metals suited to this were lead, copper, zinc, iron and later metal. Tin was usually used to coat iron and metal sheets to prevent it from precision machining rusting. This tin-coated sheet metal was known as "tinplate." Sheet metals appeared in the United States in the 1870s, being used for shingle roofing, stamped ornamental ceilings, and exterior façades. Sheet metal ceilings were only popularly recognized as|often known as} "tin ceilings" later as manufacturers of the interval didn't use the time period.
